You will find endless facts about the characters of the Hindu epic Ramayana, although there are some interesting things mentioned in the Valmiki Ramayana which are quite surprising.
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1 Ramayana is one of the largest ancient epics, that consists 24,000 shlokas (verses), divided into seven Kandas (books) and about 500 Upkhand (chapters).
2 The time when King Dasharatha was 60 years old when he performed the Putra-Kameshti Yagya, for the birth of Lord Rama.
3 At the start of the fourteen years of exile, Lord Rama was 27 years old.
4 Lakshman enraged over Rama's banishment had asked him to fight with his own father and win the throne.
5 In earlier versions of Ramayana, the event of Agni Pariksha does not occur and many scholars consider it to have been added later as society became more patriarchal.
6 As per Ramayana, it took the Vanara Sena about 5 days to build the floating bridge (known as Rama Setu) over the ocean.
7 So these were some interesting facts about Ramayana to get such amazing information subscribe to our channel.
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